Friday, December 11, 2009

Eating Cereal

Ethan started eating cereal right after turning 4 months. These are some pictures from his first try. He was not sure of what we were doing but we are working on it every day. Ethan has his cereal for dinner right now. He is getting about a tbsp. Some days he does better than others. He gets very mad that it is not continual. He thinks it should just keep coming like a bottle. He also wants to be in control of the spoon. In the one pictures he is trying to take the spoon from me. Little bit of a control freak, just like his mom. He is getting better every day with what to do with the food. We will just keep working and trying new things to learn. Wow he is growing so fast. My baby gets food now.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

4 Months Old:

It has been awhile since I have updated. Ethan turned 4 months on December 2nd. He weighed 15.12 lbs and was 24.5 in long. He has grown tremendously in the past 4 months. He is full of smiles and laughs. He is a morning boy and will babble the whole morning. He switched day cares at the beginning of December. We are so much happier with the new center. The teachers call Ethan their "little stud muffin". Ethan had an ear infection in November. After a round of antibiotics he was much better. Some how that time made Ethan stopping sleeping through the night. After his appointment we started sleep training, per Doctors recommendations. He is adjusting to this new routine. I struggle with not getting as much snuggle time but it is nice not sleeping on the chair all night. We have started cereal (pics will come soon). He is learning what to do. He doesn't like that it is not continual and gets mad if he doesn't get a bite quickly. He also wants to hold the spoon. Little man has to be in control, just like his mom. Ethan is tripoding (sitting but using his arms for support). He is getting very strong. He loves anything with music and lights. These items just fascinate him. I am so excited for him to go see Santa and have his first Christmas.