Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Ethan enjoyed his first Halloween. He was a monkey. Since he is to little to trick or treat we made some goodies for the family and he took them over all dressed up. He received a Halloween basket from us filled with books and rattles and from his Nanna and Papa with toys and books. He loved a vtech guitar that his Nanna and Papa bought him. He even hit the buttons a few times. Most of his time was spent taking pictures. He was very good and even helped pass out candy to a few kids in the neighborhood. Ethan wishes everyone a Happy Halloween!

12 Week Old

Ethan is 12 weeks old. It is so amazing to watch him grow. He is full of smiles and loves to laugh. Ethan is truely a morning baby. He wakes up in the best of moods. He just wants someone to play with. He is sleeping from 10pm to 5 am most nights which is really nice. Every once in a while he wakes up at 3am for a bottle. Ethan has started to babble a lot. He just talks a way. He plays with his rattle and loves to watch anything with lights. He just started to play in his excersaucer. He is not real sure of it yet but likes to look at all the toys. Ethan weighed 17.1 lbs at his check up this week (The scales there seem to weigh high because he was only 14. 6 lbs at home). We do know he has gained a total of 8.10 lbs and 4 1/4 in since birth. Ethan will begin daycare this coming week. I am so sad by this but I am sure he will do great and will enjoy making all kinds of new friends.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tummy Time

Ethan enjoys his daily tummy time. He is so strong now and can hold his head up for very long periods of time. He still lets it bobble when he gets tired though. Charlie likes to join him as well. Ethan prefers for someone to sit with him during this time. Ethan has actually rolled over from his tummy to his back 3 times now. I am sure it was accidental but we are still very proud. We keep trying to watch for it but he only does it when he is getting upset and wants to stop. Oh how quick Little E is growing up.

9 weeks old

We tried out the bumbo this week. We are still a little wobbly on it but doing pretty good. Ethan is getting stronger every day. This week our sleep has been improving. We made it one day from 10pm to 6am. The other mornings we are making it to some where between 4 to 5am which is still very good. Mommy is very excited about the extra couple of hours. Every few nights we go back to the old routine but we are trying. Ethan seems to be adjusting to his soy formula and his tummy seems to be doing much better. We go next week to see the Dr for a check up and more immunizations. Mommy is sad about returning to work. I go back part time next week then full time the following week. Ethan is lucky to be staying with his grandparents the next 2 weeks instead of going to day care (Thank you!) Ethan will sure love being spoiled those 2 weeks I am sure.

8 weeks old

Ethan turned 8 weeks old on 8/27. How the time is flying by. He is smiling all the time. I still am working on capturing a good smiling picture. He knows when the camera is out. He went for his check up on 10/1. He was 12.5 lbs and 22.5 in. No growth in 2 weeks which was a little surprising. We did have to switch formula due to allergies but we are sure that the soy formula will be what we need. He is really getting a personality. He is so silly in the mornings and wants to be played with. It is so hard to believe that he was just born 2 months ago. He is such a huge part of our lives we can't even imagine what life was like with out him anymore.